Thursday, May 17, 2012

In Spirit and in Truth

“ But the hour is coming, and is now here, when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” John 4: 23 What does that mean? What does it mean that, “the father is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and truth?” And aren't we the one seeking God, what does it mean that the Father is seeking? Is there someone's life I can see these things in?

I have been comforted so many times when I think about Jesus' parables about the shepherd who went looking for his lost sheep and the woman who searched until she found her lost coin and finally the parable of the father who longed to have his relationship restored with his sons. This is a comfort to me that it is the father who does the seeking. I know the horrible feeling of being lost and not knowing where I am and I also know the peace of being found and finding myself safe. I think this must be what Jesus was talking about when He said “The Father is seeking.”

How do we worship in spirit and in truth? I think this comes from understanding the gospel. I see the truth of the gospel is that, “God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” Galatians 4:4,5 According to Roman adoption the adoptee was taken out of his previous state and placed in a new relationship to his new father... All his old debt are canceled, and the adoptee started a new life as part of his new family.(Francis Lyall) That would be the truth of the adoption.

What part does the Spirit play? When I think about this I think about Jesus telling Mary, “ Don't you know I must be about my Father's business?””God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying “Abba! Father!” Galatians 4:6 Because we have been adopted into God's family we too must be about our Father's business but not in our own strength. Because of our adoption we have the same access to the throne room Jesus has. The work of the Father is to be done with the resources that the Father provides. When I worship the Father in Spirit and in truth I acknowledge I am His child called to do His work with his resources.

Yesterday I was listening to the radio and I heard Chris Fabry ask a question about what made Chuck Colson stand out. I remember meeting Chuck Colson when he came to town after writing his first book “Born Again.” He spoke about how God had found him in his brokenness and how he had been born again into the family of God. Over the years I watched as he went about his father's business. It was inspiring to watch as he not only received God's pardon and release from the debt of his sins but also lived his life in the power of the Spirit. What I saw in Chuck was a man who was worshiping the Father in Spirit and in truth.

Lord Jesus, Thank You for finding me. I want to worship you in Spirit and in truth. Thank You that I can come before your throne and call on you as “Abba.” confident that you hear me because I am Your child. And Lord when my life become a memory of those I love please let the memory be that I worshiped You well!

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