Friday, March 2, 2018

The Gift

I see the memory as if it was a scene in a play I am watching. I cannot picture where I was when I was given the CD. I cannot picture who it was who gave it to me. The gift was given without a word of explanation. It wasn't new; in fact the CD was 16 years old. I found myself  simply holding this plastic case in my hand and saying thank you.

I didn't have an opportunity to listen to the music for almost a week. I still haven't listened to all the songs. It's not because I don't like what I've heard so far. It's because I've been captivated by one of the songs. The song has become a prayer. The prayer has become a lens through which I view everything around me.

When I finished Daniel last Spring I was asked to teach the book of Revelation. To be honest I felt completely inadequate. To prepare myself I began to listen to Revelation. I listened to it daily--while I was walking, while I was working around the house, while I was resting. I began to picture the prophecies that John saw.

Our class has been using a Precept study of Revelation. For several weeks the instruction has simply been to draw what is being described in the prophecy. Wait a minute, did I just use the word simply? There is nothing simple about this! However, something has happened as I have wrestled to capture what is written on the pages of this prophecy. I find myself being drawn more deeply into what I am reading.

I have listened to Revelation. I have read through Revelation over and over. I have used my imagination to picture the words I have heard and read. Finally, I have in a very childlike way drawn what my mind now sees. What I have seen is God's glory. What I have tasted is living water. The truth of God's Kingdom has taken up residence in both my heart and mind.

Let The Weight Of Your Glory Fall

Spirit of the Sovereign Lord
Come and make Your presence known
 Reveal the glory of the Living God

Let the weight of Your glory cover us
Let the life of Your river flow
Let the truth of Your kingdom reign in us
Let the weight of Your glory
Let the weight of Your glory fall

Steve Merkel