Wednesday, December 3, 2014

With Eyes Wide Open

The day was nearly over except for the last flurry of activity. I walked outside and lifted my eyes. The billowing gray clouds were tinged with silver and it looked at if they were being gently blown across the sky by the breath of God. As the sun slipped behind the mountain it gilded the sky with a warm and beautiful glow. I paused and received the gift.

As I stood there gazing into the heavens I was reminded again of the extravagant love that God lavishes on us day after day. How often are the skies painted with love and yet we don't take the time to receive the gift? Day after day utters speech and night after night knowledge, yet we miss it if we are not listening or looking. I think that must have been the way it was on that first Christmas night so long ago.

How silently the extravagant love of God was lavished on His creation. In the small and seemingly insignificant town of Bethlehem, the quiet of the night was broken by the cry of a newborn babe. There had been no room in the inn as the town finished its last flurry of activity for the day. No one had time to pay attention to the young woman in labor. She and Joseph were alone in the stable when the child was born.

It was because of the tender mercy of our God that we were visited by the sunrise from on high.  The angels who had attended their Lord from eternity past came to break the solemn stillness with their praise. And to whom did they come? To shepherds who were staying out in the fields and keeping watch at night over their flocks. "Suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to people he favors!" (Luke 2:13,14)

Lord Jesus, let me keep watch in the night because I know that there still remains a promise of your return. The angels sang of peace on earth. I wait for when the new heaven and earth shall claim you as The Prince of Peace their King. For today, Lord, let my heart be open to receive your lavish gift of love.

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