Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Hidden Things Revealed (Mark 4:22-25)

Maybe something is missing. Perhaps if you had the missing piece of the puzzle life would make more sense.

There are mysteries in the word of God. There are secrets written there. However, these mysteries and secrets are not unknowable. But in order to know them they must be revealed. I wonder if these are the things we are told that angels yearn to peer into. Yet, Jesus said, “For nothing is concealed except to be revealed, and nothing hidden except to come to light” (Mark 4:22).

I’m fascinated that when Jesus spoke of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God in the parables that He used the same phrase He used in Revelation. “If anyone has ears to hear, he should listen” ( Mark 4:23). Is this a warning? How do you develop ears that can hear the mystery? How can you develop the ability to see what is concealed? How are these mysteries, these secrets, revealed?

When I read about Jesus making the deaf hear and bringing sight to the blind, I think it’s speaking of more than simply physical hearing and physical sight. Jesus, who is the light of the world, revealed the things hidden in darkness. Jesus opened our ears so that we could hear the secret, and then He said, “Pay attention to what you hear.”

Is something missing? Listen carefully, because the Word became flesh and spoke. Do you want to see what angels are longing to gaze at? Then ask the One who made blind eyes see. However, Jesus gives an admonition to those to whom these secrets and mysteries are revealed: Don’t hide what you’ve found.

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