Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Knowledge of God (Psalm 46)

It was 3:30 in the morning, The top sheet had long ago become untucked. I had tangled up the bedspread because of my twisting and turning. Finally, I gave up and got out of bed. Why pretend to rest when I was fully awake?

For weeks the news had been full of anger. The impeachment proceedings had exposed a divided nation, and all I could hear in my mind was that “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” An anti-Semitic attack had been made by a man with a machete against a group who were celebrating Hanukkah in their home. A man with a shotgun had been gunned down by a security guard after opening fire, killing two people in a church in Texas. I had spent the day listening to my own daughter as she told of the grief and sorrow she had experienced during the past year. I had also listened to the children who had been wounded by the very people who should have protected them. I could not sleep.

I carefully made my way through a house that was in disarray. LEGOs, dolls, and plates (why were there plates in the middle of my living room!) seemed to be everywhere. I craved order. But I knew I wouldn’t find it in my post-Christmas house, so I made my way to the front porch. Even the front porch was littered with crayons and the tissue paper the children had use for art projects. I took my seat, wrapped myself in a wool blanket, and lifted my eyes to seek out the stars. It was an overcast night, so no stars were in view.

I sat in the quiet, unable to see the physical light of the stars punching holes in the darkness of night, so I opened my spiritual eyes to let the truth of God’s Word shine. I bathed my mind with these words: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of  trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth is transformed and the mountains are toppled into the depths of the seas, though their waves roar and foam and the mountains quake in the surge... Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted over the earth” (Psalm 46).

Through the knowledge of God my peace was restored. By telling myself the truth I was at last able to see beyond the heavens that were shrouded by clouds. I saw Him on His throne. He was seated there, in control. I went to bed and slept deeply.

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