Saturday, April 3, 2021

Holy Saturday

 “What’s today?” “Today is Holy Saturday.” “What is Holy Saturday?”

My grandson Ricky and I were at the breakfast table having this conversation. I told him that Holy Saturday was a day to sit with sorrow and unanswered questions. We talked about how Jesus’ friend had all scattered when the soldiers came to take Jesus away. I told him how they thought that Jesus was going to set up His kingdom, but instead Jesus was hung on a cross.

We talked about the disappointment, fear and grief that Jesus’ friend had on the Saturday between when Jesus died and when He rose from the dead. I told him that all the pain they felt on Saturday was part of the story.

The tears were silently sliding down his cheeks. Ricky’s father died this summer, and now he was having to say goodbye to a grandfather that he loved even though he’s only known him for a short time. My daughter Elisabeth adopted Ricky two years ago, and he joined our family with disappointments, fears and sorrow that I know nothing about.

The first time that I ever met Ricky I showed him my drawings from the book of Revelation. We talked about the mystery of two Kingdoms that were at war. I told Ricky that though the battle was fierce, at the end of time there would be only one kingdom and only one king standing.

But today is Holy Saturday. Today we sit with the sorrow of what we don’t understand. Today we acknowledge our failures and our fears. I told Ricky that it’s ok to cry, because God see your tears and He knows your pain. I told him that his lack of ability to understand what God is doing wouldn’t keep God from carrying out His good plan. Tomorrow we will celebrate what Jesus’ grieving friends couldn’t comprehend. 

Today is Holy Saturday, and I am safe because what is unknown to me is known to Jesus.

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