Wednesday, October 1, 2014

With the String of a Kite

I realized a gorge had developed between me and another person. I stood at the edge of the steep narrow cliff and looked across it to where they stood and wondered how this great divide happened. To again stand together as friends seemed an impossibility. I was ready to shrug my shoulders and walk away, but the Holy Spirit brought to my mind a story that gave me hope that a bridge could be built that would span the distance and bring us together.

Charles Ellet Jr. had been awarded the contract to build a suspension bridge across the  Niagara River. In order to do this he had to first stretch a line across the 800-foot wide gap that was 225 feet above the turbulent waters of the Whirlpool Gorge. It seemed an impossible task. He considered many possibilities but finally settled on a most unusual solution. He decided to host a kite-flying contest. The first kite to span the distance between the Canadian side to American side would be the winner!

Homan Walsh was fifteen years old when he decided to take the challenge in January of 1848. Holman took his kite that he had named Union and crossed to the Canadian side of the gorge by ferry just below Niagara Falls, and walked two miles along the top of the cliff till he reached the place the bridge was to be built. He flew his kite all day and night but it failed to reach the other side because the string broke on the sharp edge of either the rocks or the ice. But Holman didn't quit. He made his way back to the U.S. side, retrieved his kite, and repaired it. Then he made his way back to the Canadian cliff side and tried again. This time he was able to fly his kite to the opposite bank and thus the bridge that crossed the Niagara River began.

Lord Jesus,  by faith I lift my kite Union and I ask that the wind of your Spirit would blow it to its destination. Help me not give up if my first attempt does not succeed but instead help me remember that with you all things are possible.

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