Thursday, February 5, 2015

Considering Migrating Birds

According to a report I read on CNN this morning there is a modern day wonder taking place in the Sea of Galilee. They even went so far as to call it a, “miracle of sorts”. What in the world has captured the imagination of CNN in Israel? Birds, hundreds of millions of birds migrating across Israel.

It seems according to the report that Israel, “is akin to a superhighway of bird migration routes, creating thermal currents that raptors and other birds can ride from central Africa to Europe. Israel is at a bottleneck on the migratory birds' flight path where an estimated 540 species converge.” According to Israel paradise for birds, “Israel is located at geographical bridge between three continents – Europe, Asia and Africa.”

Why do birds migrate? Although the sources I looked at said that the reasons were complex, they all agreed that at least one of the reasons was to find food. In thinking about this I am reminded of when the Lord answered Job's complaints and said,"Who provides food for the raven when its young cry out to God and wander about for lack of food?”(Job 38:41)

This morning I was reading in Exodus where the children of Israel were in the wilderness and they were grumbling and complaining to Moses that it would have been better for them to have died in Egypt where at least they had food. They were migrating to the Promised Land but they were hungry. They didn't understand what migrating birds understand: God is the one who provides for those he leads.

Jesus also used the raven when he told his followers not to be anxious about their lives. He said, “Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!” (Luke 12:24) But there is more to to Jesus' message than just to tell us not to be afraid. I see the message of migration because he goes on to say that all the nations of the world are worried about what they will eat and drink and things like this. But what is at the heart of Jesus' message not to be anxious? Referring to food and drink, Jesus says, “Your Father knows that you need them. Instead, seek his kingdom, and these will be added to you.”(Luke 12:30,31)

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