Thursday, March 12, 2015

To Carry a Holy Burden

"Their responsibility was service related to the holy objects carried on their shoulders."(Numbers 7:9) The sons of Kohath had an unusual service to preform for God. They were from the priestly line of Levi and their service was to carry a holy burden on their shoulders. Some of their relatives were given carts and oxen but not them - theirs was a humble duty. They were not allowed to look at or touch these holy things, but only carry them on their shoulders.

I have known many people who carry what seem to be burdens placed on their shoulders by God. The burdens I've seen have been illnesses, an unexpected loss of a loved one, a hurtful relationship, or a painful situation. Often these burdens come without explanation. My life has been enriched by those who have humbly accepted these burdens from the Lord. I have watched a holy transformation take place while those chosen by God quietly carried the burden placed upon their shoulders.

The sons of Korah, however, did not humbly accept the service God required of them. They rebelled. I would like to stand in harsh judgement of them, but I can't. I have at times rebelled myself when asked to bear burdens that I considered unfair or that I didn't understand. However, I find a grave warning in the story of the rebellion of the sons of Korah. At the heart of every rebellion is the sin of pride. (Numbers 16)

There came a time when the sons of Korah were no longer required to serve God by carrying the holy objects on their shoulders. Once the tabernacle rested and no longer had to be carried in the wilderness, the remaining sons of Korah were given a new job. They were put in charge of the service of song in the house of the Lord. They exchanged the burden that God gave them for a song of praise.

As I thought about this unique service that God required of the sons of Korah I realized that in reality He had given them a great honor. I saw in their unique service a type of the Son of God who carried on his shoulders a holy burden through which salvation came. It is this same Jesus who invited anyone who would be his disciple to daily deny himself, take up his cross, and follow him.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Sarah. This spoke straight to my heart this morning - so thankful for you!
