Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Divine Perspective (Mark 1:32-34)

When it was evening, after the sun had set, they came. They came bringing to Jesus their sickness, sorrow and pain. Those who were tortured by demons came seeking release. He healed their sicknesses and drove out many demons. The demons knew who He was, but Jesus would not permit them to speak. Then Jesus, wearied from a day filled with ministry, slept.

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, He got up, went out, and made His way to a deserted place” (Mark 1:35). When He arose, the light was shrouded by darkness. With the dark shadows all around Him, He went out and made His way to a solitary place where He would be free from distractions, and there He prayed.

What does it look like when the Son of God prays? The Greek word used in Mark speaks of an exchange. This is a prayer of worship filled with the truth that light will conquer darkness. The darkness of night, filled with suffering and the grief of those who are tormented, will not last forever, but will be followed by the rising of the sun and the coming of a new day.

Jesus’ time of solitude came to an end when Simon and his companions found Him. They came with the message that everyone was looking for Him. The sun had now risen; a new day had dawned. Jesus went on to the neighboring villages with the message that “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near. Repent, and believe in the good news.” And Jesus went into all of Galilee, preaching the good news and driving out demons.

I awakened before the dawn, my heart heavy with concerns for those I love, and aware of the battle that wages between good and evil. It is here in this place of solitude that I close my eyes in prayer and open my eyes of faith. Here I see clearly how God richly grants His presence and provision when I seek Him. I watch as the light grows stronger and am reassured once more: Though I am limited and often feel crushed by the sorrow, I see that the God to whom I pray is limitless. As I seek Him in prayer He imparts a divine persuasion to me and I rejoice in the kingdom of God.

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