Monday, December 23, 2013

Mimi, I Miss JB

"Mimi, I want to meet JB.” JB is my grandson's biological father. Since it's Jack's Christmas break he is spending the day with me and we decided to write a blog together.

JB died before Jack got to meet him. This year on Jack's birthday we walked past were JB is buried. Jack felt sad as he looked at the grave. He felt sad about all the things he would never share with JB, except in Heaven.  Jack has always wanted to know what JB's voice sounded like. Jack has wanted to see him face to face. He wishes he could see him smile.

Jack wanted me to write this about JB not only because he misses JB but because he wanted Gran and Grandpa, JB's parents, to understand the way he feels. Sometimes it's hard for an eleven year to put into words the feelings that are in his heart. Jack wants his grandparents to know that he loves them and he loves JB.

Sometimes at Christmas it's especially hard. Sometimes Jack feels a sadness in heart that won't go away. Sometimes he pretends he's not sad because some people don't understand. After all it's Christmas; a time when children are supposed to be happy and so he tries to do what's expected of him. It's hard, but Gran and Grandpa understand.

(Jack's Prayer)
Dear Jesus, thank you for people who understand. Help me to grow up to be someone who understands when other people are hurting. Please be with Gran and Grandpa this Christmas.


  1. This brought tears to my eyes. You are so precious, Jack.

  2. Jack, I'm asking Jesus to comfort your heart. You are a precious young man. God uses all our pain to do really special work in our lives if we let Him, and I believe you have more love in your heart to be a friend to those who hurt the most. I love you, Aunt Tricia

  3. Jack,
    I am sure your prayer will be answered. You have experienced more, so that God will use you more in others' lives to help them. Your compassion for others, later in life will give you much fulfillment, purpose, and meaning in your life. And through this you will be richly blessed by being a blessing to others. Life is often hard and we don't always know why things happen, but God can and does use things that are difficult to enrich our -lives and others. (See Joseph's story in Genesis 37-45).
    Uncle Jay

  4. I love you all : jack
