Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Gift of Receiving

We have been friends now for most of my life. We have tasted both the joys and sorrow of life together and my respect for her has grown with each passing year. In the Spring of this year my friend became a widow and a mantle was placed on her shoulders that she never had to bear before. I have watched as she carried this new burden with both dignity and grace.

Because she is my friend I want to do more than just watch I want to help, but how? This has become a theme in my prayers, "Father, show me how to help." Today as we walked together I listened and through listening came up with some practical things I could offer to do. My friend is highly capable and very independent, accepting help does not come naturally.

I shared my prayer with her and she shared what she had been praying with me. She had been asking God to show her how to carry the load she'd been given. We talked about how sometimes God sends His answer in human form. God didn't create us to be independent but interdependent.

I have been doing a study on Spiritual Gifts. When I look at Spiritual Gifts I think about how I can use the gift God has given me to serve others, but today I saw something else. Today I saw the grace of God extended to me by my friend as she allowed me to participate in her life.

Father, thank You for the special gift of grace You have given each of us so that we can serve one another. And thank You for the precious gift I have received by giving me a friend who allows me to be part of her life.

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