Tuesday, May 6, 2014


To be untethered is to not be confined or restricted with a tether. I think that the freedom of having a soul that is unbound or no longer restricted can be found sometimes in the things we let go of. For many years I tethered my life to the dreams of what I wanted to accomplish but then the day came when I let go. It wasn't until I could let go of the rope that bound me to shore of my understanding that I could be set free to be part of something greater than myself.

Long ago I received an invitation to be part of an eternal story. "So we fix our eyes on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:18) However, I found as time went on that my focus was far more on the world that I could see. My desires seemed good except for one thing, they restricted the way I viewed success. I came to realized that true success is not a temporal measure but an eternal one.

There is a since of security that can be found in being tethered. Holding on to the rope that binds you to the shore can make you feel safe. Those who fix their eyes on what is seen can feel a since of accomplishment in the world around them. But always there is the whisper that what is seen is temporary.

I have been invited to be part of a spiritual adventure. I feel the wind of the Spirit blowing and inviting me to let go of the ropes that bind me to the shore of my own story. This is an adventure of faith an adventure, where I am not the author.  I close my eyes to what is seen and open the eyes of my spirit to that which is unseen and I am set free.

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