Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The MMP Test

I held the old cat on my lap as we made, what I thought would be, it's last visit to the vet. As I rubbed my hand along his fur I could feel the unpadded bones of the cat. When we got to the vet Steve gently took Mistletoe from my lap. When the vet finished her examination we waited to hear the results. I was stunned when she said she didn't think Mistletoe needed to be put to sleep. Instead she explained that we had an MMP, a multi-medical problem-ed cat. I thought that meant dead cat but when I saw the kind and gentle expression on my husband face I knew otherwise.

For weeks now I have been studying, memorizing and meditating on Colossians chapter three but it seemed like God had chosen a cat to test me concerning this passage. At the heart of this passage it talks about qualities we are to put on; compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other. I had a complaint I thought it was time to put the cat to sleep and I could feel the anger rising up in me.

On the return trip from the vet with cat on my lap the question rose in my mind, who was right me or my husband? Is it right to keep a MMP cat alive or when a cat starts having multi-medical problems is it time to put the cat to sleep? I came to the conclusion that it simply depends on who you talk to. When situations like this arise it can cause marital strife. Someone has to let go of their right to be right.

My sister said that it is good for the soul to take care of a old pet, my sister is a nicer person than I am. However, I want to be a more compassionate person. I want to be kind not always having to have my own way. I want to be gentle and patient and so I choose to put on these qualities as I make room in my life for a MMP cat whose name is Mistletoe.

Lord Jesus, in life's laboratory where I make choices in how I respond to the circumstances I find, please help me put on love which binds everything together. Help me remember that as I yield my right of choice to my husband I am not only choosing to be kind and compassionate to a cat I am also choosing to be kind and compassionate to my husband.

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