Friday, June 7, 2013

Open My Eyes That I May See!

I decided to not just tell her what had happened so many years ago but show her. "I had come to the library to returned the books that I had borrowed," I told my friend. "Because the deposit was only a few steps away and it was a cold rainy day in January I had decided to leave the children strapped into their car-seats while I dropped the books off." As I relieved the memory I backed the car up and took a sharp ninety degree turn, drove a little way up the hill took another ninety degree turn, and then backed my car into a parking space. It was not an easy demonstration and when I stopped the car I had to sit in silence for a few minutes before continuing my story, this was the route my car had taken on that day without a driver.

That particular morning had begun with my reading the story of how Elisha's servant had risen early in the morning only to see that an army with horses and chariots were all around the city. He response had been to go to Elisha and say, "Alas, my master! What shall we do?" Elisha responded by praying, "Oh LORD, please open his eyes that he might see." When the LORD opened the man's eyes what he saw was that the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. I can to this day remember how earnestly I prayed that the LORD would open my eyes so that I could see how He was protecting me and my family. However, I was stunned when He answered that prayer!

After I had gotten out to drop the books off the car had begun to roll backwards. I ran after it jerking the door open but I was not only unable to stop it I was hit by the door and knocked to the pavement. Lying on the pavement in the rain I watched in stunned amazement as my car with my children strapped into the backseat screaming took two sharp turns and then backed itself into a parking place and came to a stop. It was only when I tried to retrace the route for my friend years later that I realized how difficult it was to maneuver.

God had answered my prayer that day when I asked Him to open my eyes so that I could see His protection. He opened them again when I sat in the car with my friend sharing the memory of how God had sent His angels to drive my car and protect my children.

Oh LORD, open my eyes, like you did so long ago, that I may see!

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