Sunday, May 12, 2013

My Mother is an Artist

My mother is an artist. My mother got her degree in art from the University of Georgia. Mother's talent was recognized by all her teacher. An art collector bought one of her paintings for his private collection. Yes, my mother is an artist and when she was at the University her teachers saw a bright future for her in the art world.

My mother is an artist. My mother also had nine children in ten years. Pause a minute, close your eyes and think about that. When I was a child I didn't give it much thought because it was just the way life was. I became a mother when I was twenty six just like my mother did. When I turned thirty six my third child was born and my my father said, "Sarah, did you know that by the time your mother was your age she had nine children?"

My mother is an artist. Because my mother is an artist she has always been able to see the world through an artistic lens. One of the ways my mother shared her artistic view with her children was to cover one the wall of our family room with post card size art. I grew up looking at paintings by Cezanne, Van Gogh and Mary Cassatt among others. The painting were of ordinary things and ordinary people but though the artist painted ordinary people and things when I saw them through the eyes of the artist they no longer looked ordinary.
I have several books that contain the art of Mary Cassatt, my mother gave them to me. I think there was a time when my mother wanted to be like Mary Cassatt, able to give herself to her art. However, if you have nine children in ten years you don't have a lot of time to refine your artistic skills. But my mother did open my eyes and helped me to see beauty in the ordinary.

Lord, thank you for my mother. Lord, please fill my mother's heart with joy because her children rise up and call her blessed even if she didn't get to be an artist like Mary Cassatt, made famous by painting mothers and their children

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