Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Guardian of Joy

I got up while it was still dark and poured myself a cup of hot coffee then went out to sit and watch the Sun rise. Though the house had been warmed by lack of air conditioning and closed widows as soon as I stepped out onto the porch the I was greeted by the gentle cool breeze of morning. Everyone in the house was sleeping but here on the porch I could hear the voice of the birds who had, like me, awaken before the dawn.

I sat drinking in the serenity around me letting my soul awaken to the beauty that I was often to busy to notice. This morning I chose to receive the gift of singing birds, cool air perfumed by honey suckle, and the gentle glow of the moon slowly being replaced by the radiance and splendor of the Sun. I took a deep breath and inhaled the joy that comes in the morning.

I have a daily invitation to open my heart and receive this gift of joy. Before the day begins I pause to praise the one who is the Most High, all-powerful, good Lord giver of all blessings. Before my mind has time to be filled with the business of the day I choose to fill it with the truth that God's mercy is fresh and new every morning.

As I watch the dawning of this new day I am aware that the praise that I express becomes the guardian of joy. All day I will be surrounded by this beauty and God's provisions but when I cease to appreciate the gift and become more aware of the need than the provision and my joy is lost. But I have learned that the peace, joy and serenity of the morning can be guarded when I choose to praise God even during the busiest day.

Lord, as I get ready to start a new day please help me not to forget to open my eyes throughout this day and see the evidence of Your love that surrounds me.

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