Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Interrupted Routines

Sometimes I have a hard time being spontaneous I get stuck in the routine of the things that must be done. I remember one morning when my oldest daughter Faith invited me to go to the barn with her. I didn't want to go it was morning for goodness sake and I had just begun my long list of the things that must be done. But my daughter was persistent and so I went.

At first I only noticed that my feet were getting wet because there was still dew on the grass but as I got closer to the barn I walked into a different picture. There was a holy hush about the place. I could see a mist rising from the creek that flowed behind the barn. I watched as the little black calf, the one my daughter had dubbed "Lady Belle", came up to her expectantly. The scene that played out before me was an interruption of my routine. "Thank you for sharing this experience with me," my daughter said. "Thank you,' I replied for interrupting my routine."

I had to take my grandson from point A to point B a simple and direct route one that I was familiar with. I had driven on this road so many times that I no longer paid attention to the details along the way. Suddenly, my grandson spoke up with longing in his voice, "Mimi, I have always wanted to see where that road leads to." I had never even noticed that the road existed. "Why not," I thought as I turned the car around to explore the path my grandson longed to see.

"Wow!" my grandson exclaimed as we drove down the picturesque road. It seemed like we had entered into an illustration from a book. We were surrounded by pasture land. It was as if when we went off the grid we had also gone back in time. I slowed down to enjoy the moment. We drove over a wooden bridge and watched as the geese swam gracefully on the surface of the water. As I turned the car around to head back I noticed that the sky had turned pink in anticipation of the Sunset. "Thank you,' my grandson said in a hushed tone. "Thank you,' I replied, 'for interrupting my routine."

Lord, interrupt my routine today so I can see the Sunrise. Interrupt my rush so that I can enjoy the gifts that You have placed all around me. Today open my eyes so that I don't simply look at the flowers let me see them. In Your extravagance You have placed beauty and wonder all around me help me take the time to appreciate it.

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