Thursday, March 20, 2014

Learning to Listen

Because of my tumor I went from moderate hearing loss in my right ear to severe hearing loss. It seemed like such a sudden change that it caught me by surprise. Hearing has simply been a gift I always took for granted and then suddenly it was gone. Not only did my ability to hear change but whenever I spoke my own voice sounded strange to me because now I could only hear it from one ear instead of both ears.

"Mimi which ear doesn't work anymore?" asked my grandson. When I told him it was my right ear he went over and whispered loud enough and close enough for me to hear, "I love you Mimi." The sound of his voice and the message that he whispered went all the way to my heart. The comfort of his words helped me consider that though I now have severe hearing loss I do not have complete hearing loss. So with the hearing I still have I have decided to learn to listen well.

Someone told me recently that a good question is like a gift we give. I've been thinking allot about that lately. I want to be someone who knows how to ask good questions. I think a good question can be like a key that unlocks the thoughts of others and opens the door for a deeper friendship. I want to be someone who asks good questions and then sits patiently to truly hear the response.

I have had several friends who were musicians. I was always aware that although the two of us could be listening to the same music they seemed to be experiencing it on a deeper level. They had a greater understanding of what they were hearing and so they had a greater appreciation. Now that my hearing is coming to me in a limited supply I want to be someone who appreciates the beauty of the music around me. I want to listen with greater understanding.

Father, You have filled my life with wonderful gifts and most of them I simply take for granted. Help me to learn to listen well to the gentle whispers of love. Help me to learn to ask good questions that will unlock the hearts of those around me. Give me understanding so that I can fully appreciate all the music You have filled my life with.

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