Friday, October 16, 2015

Nothing is Wasted if You Have a Redeemer (Part 1)

Link to: Jason Gray - "Nothing is Wasted"

In my spirit I saw Him, the Creator, coming in the cool of the day. Coming to enjoy the closing of the day with those in whom He delighted. Those of whom He said, "This is not only good, this is very good." And so, in the cool of the evening just as the Sabbath day was beginning, He went to invite the crown of His creation to enter into His rest.

I do not for a moment believe that the Sovereign God of the Universe was surprised by what He found. In fact, I believe what the Almighty's enemy did to mar the eternal plans of the Great Eternal One only established them. All things are servants to the King of Kings whether they know it or not. I believe that God was seeking fellowship not only with the crown of His creation, but I also believe that He was seeking to transform His creation into His children.

How did He choose to do this? He chose for His creation to experience not one but two births. The first one was a physical birth. The second was to be a spiritual birth.

I believe that this spiritual birth took place on the cross when the Son of Man took the curse of our sins upon Himself, just as God the Father prophesied in Genesis chapter three when He cursed the serpent. He said, "He (the offspring of the woman) would bruise you head, and you will bruise his heel."*

On the cross Jesus wore a crown of thrones. I believe He did this because of the curse that was given to Adam. The man's curse dealt with his assigned labor. From now on the ground would never produce crops without thorns. Pain and frustration had been introduced into the perfect garden. Adam and Eve had now received the curse that came with their rebellion. So they had to be sent away from Paradise lest they eat from the Tree of Life and remain forever cursed.Now, in their new home, the only way that Adam could accomplish the purpose for which he had been created was to struggle against the thorns.

Jesus too had to labor to accomplish the work His Father had assigned for Him to do. The labor of love His father sent Him to accomplish was to break the curse and the power of death. It also evolved thorns. The thorns took shape in the form of a crown. The crown our Redeemer wore on the cross.

And so you see nothing is wasted if you have a Redeemer, not even thorns.

*Death on the cross involves the bruising of the heel. The only way the condemned man could get a breath was to push up with his heels, lifting the weight of is body on his heels and thus bruising them.

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