Saturday, November 10, 2012

Seasons Change

My friend and I were hiking in the North Georgia Mountains this week. We have been friends for over thirty years and for over thirty years we have come to these mountains to hike. Year after year we have watched the seasons change. We have grown to appreciate the beauty of each season. Each year we try to go on a hike to celebrate our birthday's mine is the first day of Spring and hers is in the Autumn.

Each season has it's own particular beauty, each season also has it's own difficulties. Our conversation encompasses both of these. We don't walk as fast as we used to and it's not only because we are getting older. We take more time to stop and admire the way the Sun shines through the leaves as we look up through the branches. We admire the soaring birds and appreciate the view from the North Rim of the canyon.

We have walked together long enough to have many shared memories. At one time we hiked while caring our baby's in backpacks. When our children were young we were constantly tiring to point out the glories of the canyon. They, however, were to busy marveling at the rocks and the insects they were discovering to see the bigger picture.

This year our conversation was about the season of life we were in. Because I was talking to my friend I was able to be honest and say this has been a hard year. Yet, I'm not willing to say it's been a bad year any more than I'd be willing to say there is a bad season. My mind keeps going back to Ecclesiastes where it says "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." I think the key to understanding that everything is beautiful in its time is the fact that God has placed eternity into man's hearts.

Heavenly Father, Your word tells me that, "All are from dust, and to dust we return." (Ecclesiastes 3:20) As the seasons come and go I am aware of the passing of time yet You have placed eternity in my heart. Thank You so much for loving me and sending Your Son into this world so that by believing in Him I have eternal life.

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