Wednesday, February 27, 2013

An Invitation to Experiance God's Benevolence

My granddaughter was sitting on the floor with her hands reaching up asking for help asking for someone to show her mercy. First her little brother reached down to her and with one quick jerk of her hand he found himself toppled. Next, her little sister tried and soon all three were on the floor together. None of her siblings had the adequate resources to meet her need for assistance so they ended up on the floor beside her. I often feel this way when I am confronted by others in need of mercy.

Jesus told His disciples, "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." Luke 6:36 What does God's mercy look like? God's mercy is not just a feeling it's not just pity it's power! "For you, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive; and abundant in mercy to all who call on you." Psalm 86:5 Other translations say,"O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you, full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you, abundant in loving kindness  to all who call on you." God's mercy is seen in His abundant, unfailing, steadfast love when I call on Him in my time of need. My cry for help is met by His loving kindness and His abundance.

I have a confession to make when I am confronted with the overwhelming needs of others I am often overwhelmed. I do feel mercy by my mercy is an emotion more than anything else. I feel sad and sorry that someone else is going through a difficult time but I think the Bible is talking about something more than an emotional response to another persons pain.

In Romans 12:8 we are told to show mercy with cheerfulness. This is the only time this Greek word for cheerfulness is used in the Bible. This word carries with it the Greek idea of cheerfulness because it is associated with divine benevolence. What I understand from this verse is that I am to respond to the need of those around me with cheerfulness knowing that I have the resources of God to call on.

Lord Jesus, I confess I often respond to the pain of those around me with a since of panic. Please forgive my lack of faith. Help me to recognize instead that You are inviting me into You storehouse. You are inviting me not just to experience but to share You abundant, unfailing, steadfast love in the form of mercy. And thank you too that Your mercy is always followed by peace both for me and the one to whom I am showing Your mercy.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah---I LOVE your phrase that mercy " .. is not just pity, it's power." SO good!! And so true. And love that we're invited into his storehouse ... Thanks for your wonderful words of ministry!!
