Tuesday, August 27, 2013

When Winters are Turned to Spring Yet Every Moment Holds It's Sting

"I walked one morning with my King and all my winters turned to spring, yet every moment held it's sting. It's a long road to freedom winding deep and far but when you walk in love with the wind on your wings and cover the earth with the songs you sing the miles fly by."

I learned to sing this song about the same time I began walking with my King. I was young then. I sang the words without comprehension. I was then in the springtime of my life. I smile as I hear the echo of the words in my mind. Today I now understand what it means to have my winters turn to spring.

"As for man, his days are like grass--he blooms like a flower of the field; when the winds passes over it, it vanishes, and it's place is no more."(Psalm 103:15,16) "...yet every moment held it's sting." There are those whose friendships I have cherished whose faces are now only a memory. My heart holds both the joy of our walks together and the sting of their passing.

I live my life in daily increments but the sum of my days are measured by eternity. This "long road to freedom" finds it's culmination only in eternity. As I walk in love, I see Him. "He wraps Himself in light as if it were a robe, spreading out the sky like a canopy, laying the beams of His palace on the waters above, making the clouds His chariots, walking on the wings of the winds His messengers, flames of fire His servants."(Psalm 104:2-4) These Psalms are the songs of my pilgrimage and the miles fly by.

Thank you, my King, for walking with me and teaching me to interpret my days in the light of eternity.

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