Saturday, May 9, 2015

Interpreting Life through Gratitude

Recently I took a very revealing hearing test. In my left ear I heard a very articulate man giving these instructions, "Say shawl. Say dog. Say pain." And on it went. I dutifully repeated each word. Next it was time to test my right ear. Again I heard the the man enunciate the word say followed by a garbled sound. I repeated the gibberish I heard for several words then I looked up with a puzzled expression and asked the woman who was testing my hearing if I was doing it right. At the end of the test she explained that the reason I could no longer understand the meaning of the words was because the tumor had destroyed my auditory nerve and though I was still able to hear sounds my brain could no longer interpret the meaning of those sounds.

I thought about that experience this morning as I was meditating on Paul's encouragement to, "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (Thessalonians 5:18)
How do I interpret the circumstances of my life? My understanding of my relationship with God gives meaning to the situations of my life without that relationship my life is simply a garbled mess.

I believe that God's faithful love is as high as the heavens and so I choose to respond to my circumstances with a heart of gratitude. I have found the when I choose to be grateful it opens my mind to understand. I have also found that just as my brain tumor destroyed my auditory nerve and my ability to interpret the sounds that I hear even so when I loose sight of God's love the events of my life seem meaningless.

Because my heart is set on pilgrimage I find myself leaning towards the grace that leads me. I do not understand the difficult situations I have encountered in life but in faith I look to my Redeemer with a trusting grateful heart.  

And so Father, I thank you for every circumstance of my life. I trust in your unfailing love. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

1 comment:

  1. Yes for life in many differents the day in man yfeel and understanding grace better when we win in the fight agaist doubt and be always victorious by be thankful to Christ with the Holy Spirit help daily ,thanks and bless and pray,keijo sweden
