Monday, May 7, 2012

A Blessing For Those Gathered Around The Table

I have heard this prayer many times over the last thirty eight years but I had never heard it prayed in this way before. Like many people Papa had a prayer he would say before meals. “May Thy blessings rest upon this table and all who are gathered around it. Fill our hearts with grateful love. In Christ's name we pray. Amen.” Sometimes I have to admit that I was so familiar with the prayer that I participated more out of habit. That changed the week following Ma Belle's death.

All the family gathered together. They came to grieve together, to support Papa in his loss. Many friends brought meals and as we gathered around the table holding hands Papa would begin to pray. “May Thy blessings rest upon this table and all who are gathered around it.” Then he would pause, everyone there could feel his love and gratitude for their presence. Yet we were also aware that someone was missing. Some lessons are taught in a classroom and some are taught holding hands around a table and joining in a prayer of gratitude. While grieving his loss he chose to recognize the gift that surrounded him.

Sometimes during this week Papa's voice broke and he would ask someone else to pray. The words would be different but the presents of the one who heard the prayer could be sensed. When Papa was able to pray he said each word tenderly and with great emotion. I not only heard the words I felt them, “Fill our hearts with grateful love.” When your heart is full of sorrow it can be hard to find room for grateful love. Papa brought no only his heart but of ours as well and we experienced the miracle of answered prayer together.

We didn't know then that that was to be the last week of Papa's life. It was a beautiful week full of love, memories and tenderness. Each of us were not only blessed by the fellowship we had around the table we were blessed because Papa had requested it. “May Thy blessings rest upon this table and all who are gathered around it. Fill our hearts with grateful love. In Christ's name we pray. Amen”

Lord Jesus, thank you for your many blessings. Thank you that there is a table that extends into the Heavens. Thank you for the sweet communion we have experienced as a family and for the communion that we look forward too. Surely your blessings will rest upon that table and all who will be reunited around it. My heart is filled with grateful love as I wait in anticipation.

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