Wednesday, June 13, 2012

In the Valley of Elah

I was standing there with the rest of the group that had come on the tour to the Valley of Elah. Together we had listened to the story of David and Goliath. Our guide pointed out the place were David had picked up the five smooth stones for his sling shot. I too bent down and selected five smooth stones that is when it happened.

I stood up and I no longer saw an empty field. I was no long surrounded by silence but instead by an enemy that was taunting me and mocking the power of the God I had professed to trust in. The enemy stood before me mocking. Behind me were my kin paralyzed by the taunts of the enemy.

In this Valley of Elah only one champion had been chosen to do the battle a giant. Defeat him and the victory was yours. Before him was a large shield that covered his whole body, he wore a coat of mail and in his hand he held a huge bronze spear. I had seen him before with the eyes of my imagination when I was a child Then, like David, I imaged myself running to the battle slaying him and leading those behind me into a great victory. Today I held my five smooth stones and wept.

Suddenly I was back in the present and saw the sympathetic gaze of one of my fellow sojourners. "Sarah, why are you crying?" I humbly told him that though I wanted to be brave like David I realized I had allowed the enemy's "champions" to mock God's power in my life. There were areas where I stood immobilized because though I wanted to believe I saw failure far more clearly than I saw victory. If that were not enough I also realized that I had passed my doubts and fears on to those I love. I had taught them by my example that there were giants of the enemy that must be respected.

Lord, You are the same yesterday, today and forever. You gave David victory over the giant who mocked Your power and I believe that that same power is available for me today. Please help me fill my mind with who You are so much that when the enemy sends the champion of fear to paralyze me I will be able to conquer him by faith. Oh yes, and let my victory be multiplied in the lives of those I love.

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