Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Song of Ascent

I don't know why it always takes me by surprise when difficult things happen it shouldn't but it does. I was thinking about that when I was on the tour bus in Israel going through the Judean Wilderness. I looked out the window and all I could see for miles and miles were barren hills. Three times a year the people of God were required to go on a Pilgrimage to Jerusalem that would take them through this wilderness.

What happens in a wilderness when there is no food or water except what you bring yourself? What would it be like in the summer time when the heat could reach up to 120F or in the winter when there might be snow along the route? If that wasn't enough there were bandits and killers hiding along the wayside to take advantage of the pilgrim. Was God aware of this when He set up these times for His people to come to Jerusalem to worship?

I am often surprised by the wilderness experiences in my life but I shouldn't be because I think they are preludes to worship. The Psalmist said, "I lift up my eyes to the hills." (Psalm 121) it was very possible that the hills were in this Judea Wilderness. The hills could be harboring bandits and murderers or wild beasts so he asks, "Where does my help come from?" There is nothing like going through a wilderness experience to exposes your vulnerability it also exposes what you believe or don't believe. It was in the midst of this uncomfortable journey that the Psalmist declares,"My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth."

The other day I was going through an emotional wilderness it was both uncomfortable and unpleasant but I found comfort in meditating on Psalm 121 because I knew it was a Song of Ascent, a song the pilgrims would have sung on their way up to Jerusalem. Wilderness experiences are part of the journey to worship. Every time I'm in the wilderness I see again my need for God. The pressures of the wilderness and the discomfort cause me to call out to God for help. When I cry out to God I find again that it is the Lord who is my keeper and that He is worthy of my trust.

Lord, You know that if life was always easy I would be very independent trusting my own ability. Thank You for the prelude to worship which includes wilderness experiences because when I am put in situations that expose my vulnerably I am at the same time given an opportunity to see Your strength.

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