Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Unseen Bridge

Sometimes when the day begins and I am confronted by all the situations over which I have no control I feel overwhelmed. But when I am afraid for myself or those I love I look in faith for the unseen bridge. "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."(Psalm 56:3) As I walk across that bridge I am delivered from fear. When the eyes of my spirit focus the person and promises of Jesus Christ I begin to find healing and wholeness for all the broken places in my life.

When I read the gospels I see that there are two kingdoms. There is the Kingdom of the World and there is the Kingdom of God and they are in conflict. The collision of these two Kingdoms can cause me to feel distressed and I can see no way of escape but there is a bridge. "In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."(John 16:33) Once again I choose to trust the promises of Jesus and find myself set free from the shackles from the Kingdom of this World walking across the bridge of faith I find healing and wholeness and peace even though there is still tribulation in this world.

Sometimes I am blinded by pain either by my own pain or the pain of those around me. Sometimes when I am confronted with evil I am blinded by fear. I become paralyzed and I cry out with the blind beggar in the Gospel of Luke, "Jesus, Son of David have mercy on me!" Like the beggar I hear my Savior say,"What do you want me to do for you?" "Lord,' I cry,' I want to regain my sight!" He speaks to me again through the words of Scripture,"Receive your sight your faith has made you well." I open my eyes and see again the bridge that takes me from where I am to where He is and my heart is full of praise and I begin again to follow Him.

But what do I do when I see the Kingdom of this World taking captive those I love. What about those who have become caught in the demon's snare and cannot cross the bridge of faith do I go ahead without them? I want to believe that there could be wholeness and healing for them but the pain of their suffering fills my mind and leaves room for little else. "Jesus!,' I cry with man in Mark nine,'If you can do any thing, take pity on us and help us.?" I hear the rebuke in Jesus' voice when He says,"If you can? Everything is possible for one who believes." With a broken heart I bring what little faith I have and say,"I believe; help my unbelief!" My faith is so weak and inadequate but the One in whom I place it is able to save, to heal and to make whole. With the eyes of my spirit focused on the person and promises of Jesus Christ I walk across the bridge hand in hand with those I love and we find healing and wholeness and salvation.

Lord Jesus, I am reminded again today that it was Your cross that made the bridge that took me from the Kingdom of this World to the Kingdom of God. Help me today as I choose to live my life based on Your promises. Help me to find in You the healing and wholeness and peace that only You can bring.

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