Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Prayer for those Overwhelmed by Life

The task was overwhelming! I felt like was being crushed by the load I was being asked to carry. It was then I remembered the prayer.

This prayer begins with a deep breath. When I was in labor with my children this kind of breath was called a cleansing breath. The purpose of a cleansing breathing in childbirth was to give me an extra boost of oxygen  in order to help me relax and focus. So I take a deep breath through my nose and then exhale slowly through my mouth while saying, "Ah".

The next part of this prayer has to do with worship. If I really believe the God is sovereign and deserving of my trust  how should I respond to this situation that I have no control over? My first response is usually to murmur and complain. I find this pattern in the Scriptures but the problem is the people murmuring and complaining are also rebelling against a Sovereign God who loves them. I sigh deeply relinquishing the control that I don't have, bow my knees and and focus on God's sovereignty.

The next part of my prayer has to do with my relationship with God. When my children were little occasionally they would look at me defiantly and say, "Your not the boss of me!" I would always correct this misconception of our relationship. However, this form of rebellion against authority started in the garden when the serpent told Eve, "Don't let God tell you what you can and can't have. Eat the fruit and be your own boss." This attitude didn't work any better for my children than it did for Eve. Again after my deep breath, I bow my knees and then humble my heart. I acknowledge my relationship with the Sovereign God and call Him Lord.

Ah, Sovereign Lord! I am overwhelmed by what I see ahead of me. I feel crushed by the responsibilities I face and so I humbly bow before you. As I pour out my heart to you I am reminded of what Paul said in Colossians when he said that he toiled, struggling with all the energy of Christ that was working powerfully within him.  My your strength be manifested in my weakness. As I approach the difficulties of my life with humility my You be glorified!

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