Friday, February 3, 2012

No Strings Attached

“Let's Go Fly a Kite" was a song from my childhood, and it represents a pure sense of freedom. Yet even though there is freedom seen as the kite soars in the atmosphere, there is a certain tension as well and that can be seen by one of the lines in the song as well.”You can dance on the breeze over houses and trees with you fist holding tight to the string of the kite!” Oh but don't loosen your grip on that string. You cannot trust the wind.

Lately I've been study what it means to walk in the Spirit. Looking up the Greek word for Spirit, I found one of them means wind. I must confess that this has not been a purely academic study. I want my life to be one of walking in the Spirit, but I am aware of the truth: in my battle to choose Spirit over my flesh, my flesh often wins. WHY? I've been reading the Scriptures, meditating, praying and simply not understanding. However, I have always found that when I struggle with something like this that if I don't give up prematurely God always meets with me to give me understanding. Once again I have experienced the truth of the verse which says, “God works in us both to will and to do His good pleasure.” Philippians 2:13

When the children of Israel came out of the Egypt they were free from slavery yet their heart kept seeking idols. Why? I believe it is the same reason that my heart keeps turning to my flesh and why holding onto the string of the kite is so important. It's a matter of trust. Do I really trust God to meet all my needs? Can I really surrender to His love and be like a kite without a string?

There is this tension of fear. The children of Israel had it; that's why they wanted some kind of idol they could control. Sure, God had delivered them from the slavery of Egypt, but could they really trust Him? Wouldn't they be better off to have God and having an idol just in case. For me it's not a whole lot different. Sure, Jesus came and died for my sins and set me free, but can I really trust Him. I am a lot like Eve when Satan tempted her and asked, “Do you really believe God loves you and has your best interest at heart? Just take a look at what He is saying you can't have. Come on be honest don't you want a bite.” I don't want to let go of control; that fruit looks so good. Is God holding out on me. Can I trust Him? He can still be my God, but I've got to have just one bite.

Oh, Lord Jesus, You have called me to freedom. You have told me to trust in you with my whole heart. You have told me that friendship with this world is to be Your enemy, and yet I still want to be a friend of this world. So I come to You today with my hands open wide. May I be a kite without strings free to soar wherever the will of the wind takes me!

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