Tuesday, September 6, 2011


It was just a little after two A.M when I heard it whispered in my ear,"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" With that sounding in my ears and in my heart I woke up.

I have this "thing" that happens when the seasons change. I don't want it to happen but it does anyway. I begin to struggle with a since of sadness. So, I felt it creeping in on me yesterday like a dark midst seeping in under the door. It began to shroud my thoughts and my emotions. My prayer was as simple as that of a child, it was all I could muster. "Lord show me Yourself!" Over and over I prayed this simple prayer as wave after wave of saddest swept over me.

Then I heard the command,"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" I had been sound asleep but suddenly I was wide awake. I got out of bed and I began to think about what that verse in Philippians means. I began to think about who my Lord is. As I meditated on who my Lord is I began to rejoice, I couldn't help it. The reality that he is not only the Lord but the lover of my soul simply caused me to rejoice.

Recently I looked on line for advice for people, like me, who want to write devotionals. The advice I found was that you must define your audience. As soon as I read that I knew who my audience was, it's me. I am my audience. Like David in 1 Samuel I seek to daily comfort myself in the Lord. I find the comfort that I seek and then I just want to share it with others who are on this pilgrims journey with me.

Lord Jesus, day by day I look for you. Sometimes I can see you clearly sometimes you seem hidden from my view. But always,always you are there. The same yesterday, today and forever and by faith I will rejoice. I want to turn and say to those around me," be encouraged, be comforted, rejoice, He is Lord!"

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