Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"Not A Mumbling Word"

“Do you really think you can do that?,” my daughter asked incredulously. To be honest I wasn't really sure myself. Was it possible for me to go through this difficult season of my life without saying a mumbling grumbling word? I got the idea when I heard the old Spiritual, “He Never Said A Mumbling Word.” As I listened to the song being beautifully sung I could almost see Jesus standing before Pilate silent like a lamb before it's shearers.

“He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth.” Isaiah 53:7 Why was Jesus silent when He stood before His accusers? Why was the Son of God on trail in the first place? It all started in the Garden when Adam and Eve rebelled against the love of God and decided they would be their own god. That's when death first made it's entrance onto the scene, that's also when the promise of love was made. Sin and rebellion brought with it death, love promised a Savior and life. This life was given in surrendered silence.

The Children of Israel cried out because of their slavery in Egypt and with a strong hand and an outstretched arm God set them free from their oppressors. God led them through the wilderness to show them that they could trust Him to teach them He was able to provide for all their need to bring not only rest for their bodies in the Promised Land but rest for their souls in His love. How did they respond? They mumbled and grumbled in rebellion against God's will for them. They fought against what they could not see, they rebelled against the One who led them. With their mumbling grumbling words they rebelled against the God of love who had come to set them free.

“They all cried, “Crucify Him”...”They nailed Him to the tree”... “They pierced him in the side”...”He hung His head and died” After each of these statements the choir sang, “not a word, not a word, not a word.” Finally the song ends with,”He never said a mumbling word.” Jesus was the promise of love made in the Garden. He came to set me free from the slavery of rebellion and sin. He came in silence because He came willingly. He came in silence because He came in love. He did not rebel against the price He had to pay to purchase my freedom.

Lord Jesus, I am so much more like the Children of Israel than like You. My mouth is often filled with mumbling and grumbling words, words of rebellion against situations I find myself in, words of rebellion against the God who led me here. Forgive me because for doubting Your love. Forgive me for longing for the comfort of Egypt instead of silently learning to rest in Your love. Thank You for Your promise that if I ask anything according to Your will You will give me what I ask. Lord Jesus, I ask that You would change my heart and make it more like Yours so that I can face my life without a mumbling grumbling word.

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