Saturday, March 31, 2012

Find The Dove

There is a game that I used to play with my children it is called “Find the hidden object.” Hidden within the picture were several objects as we found them we would check them off the list. I have been playing a similar game lately. I call it “Find the Dove.” I am looking daily for the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is like the wind. I cannot see the wind but I see the effects of it and so it is with the Holy Spirit.

To “Find the Dove” I must look for more than I can see. When I looked with eyes of flesh I saw someone who was old and bent with age. Their windows to the world were dimmed and the sound of singing birds was not heard. Often as the world goes hurrying on they were forgotten. Yet in them I “Find the Dove.” As I sought to minister to this weakened vessel I found within her, “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control” I smiled and said, “Ah yes, I found the dove.”

Over sixty years ago they made a promise to each other. They were young when they looked into each others eyes and vowed that from that day forward ,for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health they would love each other and cherish each other. Sixty years is a long time to keep a promise like that but it has been more than sixty years and they continue to look lovingly at one another and say, “I still do.” Ah yes, I found the dove!

I was inadequate for the job. My heart wanted to do so much but I was lacking. Through out the week I have been surrounded by others who have have made up for what I couldn't do. They have come to give their time, to lend a hand, to clean, to cook, to sing. I have heard the sound of mighty wings. Ah yes, I found the dove!

Lord Jesus, You promised that You would send the Holy Spirit. So often my eyes are blinded by the things I look at. Please open the eyes of my heart so that I can see the Dove today.

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