Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Covenant

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join this Man and this Woman in holy matrimony." Forty one years ago today I entered into a covenant with God and my husband. It wasn't an agreement, it wasn't a contract, it was a covenant.

When I entered into this covenant with God and my husband I made promises to him and he made promises to me. We promised to,"live together for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to each other as long as we live." I was twenty one he was twenty three when we made this life time covenant.

I took a magic marker on our wedding trip. Steve had cancer and was taking radiation treatment. Every time we went swimming together I had to redraw the lines where he needed radiation. On our first anniversary  he had completed his chemo-therapy. I worked during the day and took care of him at night. The stress and lack of  sleep caused me to have a nervous breakdown. He took care of me until I recovered. Our next anniversary was spent working at Yellowstone National Park. "I will live together with you ... in sickness and in health."

Steve was with me for the birth of our four children. We shared the miracle of life and I watched him as he tenderly held his children. We both wept as he dug the grave for Belle Marie here on the farm. I remember his words of comfort as we placed her little coffin in the ground."Time doesn't heal all wounds but God will" He comforted me during the loss of two more children. "I will live together with you for better or worse."

If the covenant I made so many years ago had only been with Steve I don't know if it would have survived. I have failed him often. Our humanity and selfishness has caused us to hurt each other in many ways. However, this covenant was made with God as well. "The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong ,for the Lord upholds his hand." Psalm 37 23-24

 Forty one years ago today I was asked,"Do you promise to love, comfort, honor and keep him to be your wedded long as you both shall live?" I whispered, "I do", but it was loud enough for Steve and God to hear.


  1. Happy Anniversary! Beautiful couple...and an inspiration to all.


  2. Wow Sarah. Thank you for sharing this! So timely. You helped shed light on the significance of making the covenant not only with Enoch, but God as well. He is our hope in all things! I'm sure Enoch will appreciate this too... Love, Hannah

  3. PS: Happy Anniversary!

  4. Precious words! Happy Anniversary Sarah!
