Sunday, June 26, 2011

She walked!

Freshman year,"Mrs. Jones, your daughter's blood count is low we want to give her a transfusion.""Mama ,I'll be alright. I want to keep going." She did.

Sophomore Year,"The tumor is malignant. The biopsy shows cancer." "Mama, I can do it I don't need to drop out this semester!" She was too sick to keep going she had to lose that semester. She went back for the second semester. She was sick but she went back.

Junior Year, two weeks before the end of the second semester,"Mama, I'm so sick, I'm so sick, I can't stay awake." The words were spoken through her tears. I drove four and a half hours trying to see through my tears. "Mrs. Jones, your daughter has Mono. I smiled. It wasn't cancer."Mama, I can finish the semester. Let me try."  But she was too sick. She tried but she was too sick. She lost another semester.

The Summer between her Junior and Senior Year we wait for the results of the Cat Scan. I watch my daughter go from pale to gray. She is so sick. She is having trouble staying wake. "Mama, I feel so close to God. This has been worth it, because I know He is real!" The results come back negative. I weep with gratitude.

Senior Year, "Mama, I want to walk with my class!" I feel the tears sting my eyes. She's a full year behind her class now. She is still sick but she is so determined. "O Lord, have mercy on my child. O Lord, have mercy on my child!"

Yesterday, I watched my daughter walk with her class. She walked across the stage and got her college diploma. She graduated cum laud with a degree in Biology. I cried.

O Lord, thank you for your mercy and your grace! Thank you for showing me what walking by faith looks like. Thank you for letting me see my child become a beautiful woman. Thank you for letting her walk with her class

1 comment:

  1. *weeps softly with pride and gratitude, and has no words to say*
