Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's His responsibility not mine

My husband and I were sitting on the porch swing in the cool of the evening visiting. I began talking about how anxious I feel sometimes when I read the story of Eli the priest. He didn't correct his sons and the results were disastrous. We  rocked silently a few moments then my husband spoke,"Sarah, consider this. In the book of 1 Samuel you have Eli's sons, Samuel's sons, King Saul's son, King David's sons. Which one was the most godly?"

Jonathan the son of King Saul was the answer. Three chapters before I read about David and Goliath there is a similar story of Jonathan and the Philistines. In order to reach the Philistine outpost Jonathan and his armor-bearer had to climb a cliff using hands and feet. His armor-bearer was behind him. The Philistines were above him mocking,"The Hebrews are crawling out of the holes they were hiding in." Jonathan's initial response to the situation shows his faith in God."Come, let's go over to the out-post of those uncircumcised fellows. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving,whether by many or by few." Just like with David Jonathan's bravery caused the whole army to take courage and have a victory over the Philistines.

When I really see the heart of Jonathan is when David is hiding from King Saul who is trying to take his life. Jonathan finds him and encourages him with these words,"Don't be afraid. My father Saul will not lay a hand on you. You will be king over Israel, and I will be second to you..." Usually the son of the king is next in line for the position.

What made Jonathan the courageous godly man he was? I think it was because he anchored his plans in the purposes of God. Jonathan had a good grasp of God's faithfulness. He had a zeal for God's glory not his own.

As I meditate on these things it brings me back to my anxiety. Why do I feel anxious? I think it's because I have become more focused on my efforts and less focused on God's faithfulness. I often seek my own glory my agenda my success and forget God has a bigger plan.

Lord Jesus, You alone are the author and finisher of my salvation. You alone are the author and finisher of the salvation of those I love. Help me by faith to be courageous and to leave the results to You.

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