Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Hidden Problem

They were everywhere! A swarm of little fruit flies suddenly appeared in my kitchen. They were unwelcome guests and I was determined to get rid of them. So my quest began.

I got out my computer and typed "how to get rid of fruit flies". There were many creative solutions. There was only one problem they didn't seem to work. My husband came to my rescue, he got out the vacuum and in a short time he vacuumed up most of them. Then a week latter there was another swarm.

This battle seemed to go on forever until I decided I needed to find the source. I started in the laundry room totally cleaning everything. That's when I found "it". "It" at one time had been a bag of potatoes but had fallen behind a box. The potatoes had changed into a black gooey incubator for fruit flies.

As I was vacuuming up the remaining flies I thought about how this parallels something that happens in my spiritual life as well. I am often disturbed or bothered by things in my life that aren't the way I want them to be. Self improvement becomes almost a hobby but it seems that no sooner do I clear up one bad habit than another one appears.

One of the names given to Satan is Beelzebub, it means lord of the flies. Flies are drawn to dead and rotten things and they can be so irritating that they become the focus. What I have discovered over the years is that I need more than self improvement I need a Savior. When I humble myself before God and pray with the words of the Psalmist I find relief,"Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!" Psalm 139 23,24

Lord Jesus, thank you for coming as the "Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." Thank you also in my daily battle with the world the flesh and the devil you are there as my Savior. Help me to continually humble myself before you in prayer. Exposes my secret sins and set me free.

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