Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Shaking Off the Shadows

Sometimes in the morning I have trouble shaking off the shadows and I wake up with gloomy thoughts. When this happens I have to take some time to tell myself the truth and turn my face to the light.

Regrets can often take sleep awake. When this happens I open my eyes in the light but only see darkness. It's time to tell myself the truth. "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22,23)  When I think about this verse I am reminded that no matter how much I may fail, God's love doesn't fail. His love is unwavering and immovable it is a safe place for my heart to find rest.

 I can never use up His compassion because it is new every morning. This is an important truth to focus on when my first thoughts upon waking are my failures. Because I want to fill my mind in the morning with light instead of darkness I choose to receive this precious gift of mercy. I think of this as I sit on my front porch watching the Sun rise and the Morning Glories unfolding their pedals.

This reassuring verse is found in the book of Lamentations. A lament is a cry of sorrow and grief. In the middle of this book of laments God comforts His people with the promise that even if they are unfaithful He will always be faithful. And so my day begins with choosing to turn my face towards the light while bathing my mind with the truth of God unfailing love and His fresh mercy. Because of His great faithfulness today will unfold like the pedals of a flower.

Lord, today I open my eyes and find You are already there. You are the author of this day and You have filled it with unconditional love. As I begin this day I am reminded that I can never use up Your compassion because new mercy awaits me every morning. Your faithfulness is great. You are my portion and I will put my hope in You.

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