Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Stone of Rememberance

Diane was discouraged when she got to our house. Her present and her future seemed dismal. During the two weeks she stayed with us I gently questioned her about how God had directed her in the past. She and I were both blessed as she recounted God's faithfulness time and time again in her life. Remembering God's past blessing she was encouraged for the future.

Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah, which in Hebrew means "a military observation point,"and Shem, which means "to teach diligently." The name of the stone was Ebenezer meaning, "thus far has the Lord helped us." 

God had won a mighty victory for the children of Israel. The Ebenezer stone was to be a reminder to them of His faithfulness. As a military observation point this memory would give them courage. As they diligently taught it to their children it would teach them that they too could put their faith in God.

I often find myself like Diane discouraged. God has done great things for me He has been very faithful but my mind can sometimes just dwell on negative thoughts. How interesting to me that this stone of remembrance was set up between a "military observation point" and a place whose name meant "to teach diligently." This reminds me that not only do I need to remind myself about what God has done for me but I also need to share it with others.

Father, when my enemy whispers discouragement to my soul help me to counter his attacks by remembering all the places in my life where You have blessed me.

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