Wednesday, July 20, 2011

There was a warrant for my arrest!

There was a warrant out for my arrest!

Let me start at the beginning. Once when I was a new driver I failed to recognize that I was in a school zone. I saw the blue lights flashing I started crying. I did not get a speeding ticket. I got a reckless driving ticket!

Because I got I reckless driving ticket I had to go to court. Did I mention I was a new driver? I was still trying to figure out how to maneuver all the one way streets in town. I didn't know how to get to the courthouse. I panicked as I drove round and round town trying to find where I was supposed to go. When I finally found where I was supposed to be the lady behind the desk told me coolly," You missed your court date and there is now a warrant out for your arrest." Once more the tears came.

They rescheduled my court date. I was there early. I was terrified! A man sat beside  me and I began to pour out my story. After listening he told me to sit there and wait for him. I had no plans of moving. When he came back he told me he was a lawyer and had gone back and talked to the judge on my behalf and I was free to go.

I was the kind of kid that wanted to follow the rules. I wanted to do things right. However, that didn't keep me from getting a reckless driving ticket. Even though I didn't realize I was in a school zone it didn't change the fact that I was in a school zone. I didn't mean to miss my court date. But that didn't change the reality that I did miss it and ended up with a warrant for my arrest. Sometimes no matter how had I try I'm just not good enough.

"I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate. to be with you forever." John 14:16 One definition for advocate is to speak, plead, to argue in favor of. I experienced that in the court room so very long ago. In some ways I experience this on a daily bases. No matter how hard I still mess up. What a comfort to know I have an Advocate.

Lord Jesus, thank you so much for sending me your Spirit.

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