Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Humility in the cockpit

“Sometimes it is not so easy in bad weather at this airport to see the runway.” A transcript from the Korean Airlines shows the second officer saying something like this to the captain right before the plane crashed into the side of a hill.

The Korean Air Lines had been plauged with a high number of airplane crashes. The problem was traced back to the fact that the pilots were responding to the strongly hierarchical nature of Korean culture. Once Korean Airlines realized what was going on, they were able to retrain their Korean pilots and their crash rate immediately declined to typical industry-wide levels.

"Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety." Proverbs 11:14 This isn't the only Proverb that talks about how important it is to have counselors. However, sometimes it's hard to hear them because it involves humility. I often find when someone dares to tell me they think I'm doing something wrong a strong since of pride arises from within me. It's as if they have wakened a sleeping giant.

It's not only receiving counsel I have trouble with I also have trouble giving it. Ephesians 4:15 says we are to speak the truth in love. Yet I often hesitate because I am more uncomfortable with someones displeasure than I am concerned with their well being. This self protection shows a lack of love on my part.

When I look at the teaching of scripture I see how God choose to put me in a community of believers. As part of this community I need the counsel of others. I also need to care enough to give counsel when it's appropriated. Above all I need humility to receive what is said to me. I also need wisdom and courage to know when to speak and when to be silent.

Lord Jesus, your word teaches that both safety and victory are found were there is an abundance of counselors. Please help me be humble enough to hear wise counsel and loving enough to give it.

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