Monday, March 21, 2011

At the foot of the mountain a father cried

"Don't be anxious bring your concerns to God." Yes ,yes I agree completely there is only one problem, I am a mother. I have a confession to make sometimes I struggle with being anxious. This often happens about two o'clock in the morning. I love my children and I want to protect them and keep all harmful things away from them but I can't. In the night as I pray I hear God's voice urging me to place my child in His hands.

The time and place of this story is so important it happened at the foot of the mountain the father brought his son to Jesus. No one had been able to help this father. Even as he was talking to Jesus he saw his son fall to the ground and roll around, foaming at the mouth. I can see the boy in my mind covered with mud made from his own spit mixed with the dirt he was rolling in.  

This was not a casual request for help this was the cry of a father who was watching his child his flesh and blood be destroyed before his very eyes. I know this feeling! At two o'clock in the morning this father's story becomes my story as well. I pray "Jesus if you could help,please help my child." I hear the same rebuke the father in the Bible heard. "If I can? Everything is possible for him who believes."
Again my prayer echoes the prayer that father prayed long ago,"I do believe,help me overcome my unbelief."Mark 9

However, even though our stories are similar they are not the same because I know what happened on that mountain. It was the Mountain of Transfiguration. Jesus' true identity was revealed and His Father said,"This is my Son whom I love, listen to Him." The love of every other parent is only a dim reflection of the love the Father has for Jesus. Yet,"God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."John 3:16 God gave His son to be the Savior the Redeemer to set both us and our children free. 

I can give my child to God because He gave His son to me.


  1. in case you were wondering, i did NOT read this post before i wrote mine:)
    that being said:
    Mommy, thank you for praying us through those most difficult times in our lives. Thank you for wiping the mud off of our faces after your prayers were answered. Thank you for being an example of "casting your cares upon him", since that is so outside my nature.

  2. My sister, You are in Romania!!Yet as I read your words,you are here,too.Your divine appointment, not a casual undertaking, this trip.Your obedience, precious to the heart of Jesus, as are the gifts you give(of yourself)....multiplied as only He can in the new friends you are meeting even this day.Holy Spirit, please breathe Your refreshing on my sister. Love(much)and prayers(many) Nancy
