Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I believe this is yours

I saw the small silver heart-shaped pin  with a picture of a little girl  with my jewelry and decided to wear it. I had breakfast that morning with several of my friends, they commented on how much they liked it. I guess that why it seemed strange when I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to give it away.

I am a waitress at a local cafe. While waiting on one of my tables I felt prompted to give my pin to the woman on whom I was waiting . I didn't do it immediately instead I prayed. "Lord, do you really want me to do this?" The feeling just wouldn't go away so I took the pin off and quietly put it at her place and said," I believe this belongs to you."

I went back to her table to refill her glass she looked at me and said ," I don't understand." "Oh great, I thought now I've made a fool of myself." I told her about how I had felt led by the Holy Spirit. She looked at me and began to cry. She stood up and hugged me and then said,"I want to  show you something." She opened her wallet and pulled out a picture of her mother taken when she was a little girl it looked identical to the girl's picture in the pin.

She told me how she would talk to her mother every night while fixing dinner. The first time she was fixing dinner after her mother's funeral she picked up the phone and her husband asked her what she was doing. She told him she was going to call her mother. He gently took her hand and said," You don't need a phone to talk to you mother any more."

I told her how I had been reading in the book of Mark and noticed that every time Jesus encountered a child He would wrap His arms around them. It seemed that when I was prompted to give her that pin it was like Jesus was wrapping His comforting arms around her. She wept as we embraced.

When God invites you to let go of an earthly treasure He is also inviting you to take hold of an eternal one.

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