Thursday, March 17, 2011

Where your treasure is...

I loved my ring. Not only was this ring beautiful, but it had been a gift to me from my father after my baby died. That is why I didn't want to give it away.

She stood before me ready to leave. I was so angry. We had opened our home, shared everything we had, and now she was leaving. So many hours of listening and sharing the message of God's love; had she heard anything? It was then I felt the urge of the Spirit to give her my ring, but I resisted. Later I talked to my husband about it; and he said wait and pray.

The next time I saw her I again felt God asking me to give her my ring. There was a battle going on inside my head. It went like this,"I don't want to. This ring is special to me. It represents people I love!" But what I wanted even more than my ring was to be obedient to God. I gave her my ring.

I wish I could say I felt a surge of joy when I gave my ring away but the Bible says,"Thou shalt not lie." I missed my ring. I wanted to forget about her, but she had my ring. One day while longing for my ring I felt God's rebuke, "Sarah, you love your ring but what about my daughter? Let the ring you love remind you to pray for the person I love and gave my life for." That day my heart began to change I started to pray for her I began to think of her in a different way.

Years later I was going through a discouraging time. I was overwhelmed with the feeling that I had lived my life in vain. Suddenly the phone rang. I picked it up and the voice on the other line said, "Sarah, I am calling to tell you that you have not lived your life in vain," I was startled and almost laughed out loud. I hadn't heard from her in so many years. She told me how God had been working in her life how she read her Bible every day, and how she had begun opening her home to people in need, like Steve and I had opened our home to her so many years before.

Tangible things can reveal intangible truths. Where you treasure is there your heart will be also.

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