Friday, March 18, 2011

How dare you treat my daughter like that!

She got on my nerves, and apparently I wasn't the only one who felt that way. I was in a carpool with four other women, and she was one of them. Of course, I was to nice to ever say anything; my feelings were spoken with facial expressions and the rolling of eyes. It is amazing how much bonding can be experienced by excluding  just one person.

One night I had a dream; a very vivid dream. In my dream, I went beyond facial communication to the others in the car, and spoke directly to the person irritating me--not in a kind way or a helpful way, but with mean, sarcastic words. She acted in a haughty way, as if my words had no effect on her. I looked at the others and can only express my feeling as satisfied.

My dream then took an unexpected turn, as dreams are prone to do. When she got out of the car I followed her. She began crying as soon as she was in the stairwell going up to her apartment. I was ready to stop the dream but couldn't! "Oh no', I thought, 'I don't want to be there when she tells her husband the mean things I said." But it was no use. I couldn't seem to wake myself up and believe me, I was trying.

She opened the door to her apartment. She ran to where her husband was sitting in a chair with his back to us. She knelt before him and put her head on his lap and cried. I felt sick. Why couldn't I just wake up? I didn't want to see all this pain I had caused, and I didn't want to be confronted by her husband.

Then something happened that causes me to shiver to this day. The man stood up and looked me directly in the eyes. It wasn't her husband . It was Jesus! He looked at me and said,"How dare you treat my child this way!" I woke up.

After my dream that girl became my friend. My dream had totally changed my view of who she was.

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