Thursday, April 26, 2012

Changing Clothes

It was the most beautiful shirt in the world. A princess wearing a shirt interwoven with gold would have been jealous if she saw it. What was it about this shirt that set it apart, there were two things. The first thing was my imagination and as a ten year old my imagination was highly exercised. The second thing that set this shirt apart from any other shirt that had ever been made was the amazing fact that I, myself, without the help of any other had stitched every stitch. I remember walking out into the sunshine wearing this glorious creation for the first time and feeling like light was emanating as much from me as it was from the Sun. But there was a problem.

The very thing that had brought me to this summit of pride plummeted me to the pit of humiliation. Yes, my ten year old hand had stitched every stitch of that shirt, but the problem was I really didn't know what I was doing nor did I realize how easily a hand sewn seam could come undone. So, having made my grand entrance and making sure that everyone on the playground had been informed that I was not just any child I was the seamstress of the glory shirt I joined in the playing with abandonment. That's when it happened. The stitches just seemed to suddenly unravel and with head bent and hands clutching what was left of my shirt I ran all the way home.

A frequent answer to the question, “If you were to die tonight and stand before the gates of Heaven why should they let you in?” has something to do with the person being good or trying to be good. When I hear that I think about my glorious shirt and how it fell apart when put to the test. I'm also reminded of what I read in Galatians 3:27 “And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes.” I can be clothed in Christ's righteousness because of His sacrifice. He put on the robe of flesh so that I could put on the robe of His righteousness.

Sometimes in my life it has taken going through humiliating situations for me to become humble. In my pride I've always wanted to be good enough. I remember hearing about Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for my sins as a young child and thinking, “I still think I could be good enough for God if I try hard enough.” What the years have taught me is that I am far more capable of sin than I am of goodness. Again and again I have experienced my best efforts dissolving and leaving running from situations with my hands clutching what was left of my pride.

Lord Jesus, I bow in the presents of Your love. The truth is I cannot cloth myself, I've tried and it's only ended in my shame. Thank you for bathing me in your grace and clothing me in Your righteousness.

1 comment:

  1. That is a powerful and graphic illustration of our righteousness (just rags). Thank you.
