Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What Difference Does It Make?

She lay in bed and reached out her hand, “Sarah, who they?” she whispered. I saw no one but I was suddenly struck by the memory of my first night after moving to her home to care for her.

I had exchanged my spacious home for a room. However, when I woke in the night I felt confused. I stood in the hallway and watched as the walls pushed back. Suddenly I was no longer in a narrow hallway but instead in a spacious room filled with light. There was a great deal of activity going on that I didn't understand.

When I went into the bedroom my husband and I were sharing I once more saw the walls pushed back.  I stood there staring and trying to understand when suddenly it all made since. I remembered the story of Jacob's Ladder. Jacob had left Beersheba and was on his way to Haran when he came to a place to sleep. He dreamed there was a ladder set up on the earth the top of it reached to heaven. As I blinked my eyes I thought, I am living in a physical and spiritual world simultaneously.

What difference does it make if I believe that I not only live in the physical world that I can see but that I also live in a spiritual world? How does that affect the choices I make, the things I choose to do or not do? I believe because of what Christ did for me that I have experienced a spiritual birth. “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again.'” John 3

Lord Jesus, let me walk in the truth and in newness of life. Let me base my choices of what I do or not do not on just the physical reality of what I see but on the Spiritual reality of what You did for me on Calvary.

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