Friday, February 18, 2011

Others may you may not

I just about drove my children crazy. To this day the subject comes up about the things I didn't let them watch on TV. What they don't know is that I am even stricter on myself.

The Bible tells us that as Christians we are to be Holy because the Lord is Holy. This causes many Christians to frown. I think the understanding of holiness has become warped. Most Christians when they hear the word Holy think of all the the things they are going to have to give up.

Do you want to know I think about when I read that I am to be Holy? I think about Exodus 39 when I read  how God set apart the priests. They got to wear sacred garments woven from blue ,purple and scarlet yarn. They wore an ephod with gold and jewels on it .Last but not least,they wore the sacred diadem made from pure gold and engraved on it,like an inscription on a seal was written,"HOLY TO THE LORD" Did I mention they were in the wilderness?

May be I was to strict. But my goal wasn't to take good things away from my children. I just wanted to teach them to prefer the Bread of Heaven over leeks and garlic. I wanted them to crave Living Water more than drinking from the muddy waters of the Nile.

I wanted my children to see the beauty of Holiness.

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