Saturday, April 2, 2011

Be still and know

One of my favorite things to do on Sunday afternoon is to find a quite spot out in the woods. If its cold I take a blanket and a chair and then I just sit there. My goal is simple I want to look until I can see and listen until I can hear. Although this may sound like an easy exercise it isn't because it takes time for the buzz of the world to leave my mind and heart so that I can really see what I'm looking at and understand what I'm hearing.

I began this practice in response to the verse,"Be still and know that I am God"Psalms 46:10. When I looked up the Hebrew for the word 'be still' I found the word relax and sink. I also got the picture in my mind of a bow where the string is slake. I find this to be a very unnatural state for me because I often feel like I need to be accomplishing something. Even in my times with God,wouldn't it be better if I were praying ,reading my Bible, or doing something godly? Am I allowed to really just sink into His presents and relax.

Then comes the 'knowing'. When I looked up the meaning for this word I found it meant to, acknowledge, to be acquainted with, it seemed to carry with it the idea of spending time together. So I sit in the woods listening and looking for God focused on His gift of creation. When I am finally able to have my bow unstrung and sink down into His presence surrendering my weakness to His strength I am filled with a since of peace.

This morning ,however, my thoughts have taken me in a different direction. What if I applied this not only to my vertical relationship but also my horizontal relationships? What would it be like if today when I am with my husband  I really not only listened to his words but tried to understand their meaning? What would happen if I went beyond looking at him and began to really see him? Isn't that what Jesus did?

Today Lord, please grant me the grace to be still and know that you are God. Please also grant me the grace to be more like Jesus and slow down and listen and seek to understand .

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