Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Josh met Jesus

I"ll never forget the morning they got dropped off at Sunday School. Their mom went to into the meeting they ran out the door then out of the building. I chased them around the church and caught them in the parking lot.

In order to teach my class that morning I held Josh and my friend held Joey. It wasn't easy to hold them either. Their arms were crossed in front of them their feet restrained and the whole time I taught I dodged Josh's head as he attempted to head butt me. In the back of my mind I wondered,"Is this legal?".  But I knew if we let these boys go they'd run out into the street.

Their mother brought them for several weeks. It took a while for them to stop trying to kick and bite me but I began to see a change. One day Josh drew a picture it was of him and Jesus. I will never forget the smile on his face when he showed it to me. "Jesus loves me!", he said as he looked up at me.

That week I decided to buy Josh a children's Bible. I bought the Bible but Josh didn't come back to church. I wanted to give it to someone else after several months went by but the thought kept coming back,"This is Josh's Bible".

His mother showed up at my door one day. Josh was at the hospital having tests done and she wondered if I'd go visit him. When I got there he was hiding under his bed. I got down on the floor with him and we talked a while. He was afraid but he finally got on the bed instead of under the bed. He told me told me he had moved close to the church and I told him I'd come visit him at his house.

I kept my promise and went to visit Josh. When I handed Josh the Bible I'd bought for him he clutched it to his chest and ran up the stairs screaming, "Joey, Joey now we can find out who Jesus really is!" He ran back down the stairs grabbed my hand and took me to his room. He had very few toys but he took the well loved stuffed animal off his bed and said,"Here, take this to your little girl,and thank you for the Bible."

After that Josh came to church every Sunday. No one else in his family came just Josh. He told me he tried to get them to wake up but since they wouldn't he'd learned to set the alarm clock and come himself. I saw the peace on his face when we talked about Jesus. I understood, I remembered when I was seven and began to hear that Jesus loved me.

One day Josh didn't show up for church. I walked to his house no one was there they had moved again. But I knew Josh had met Jesus and Jesus would never leave him.

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